
Bachelorette Party Games Guide: How to Play Wedding Mad Libs + 6 Templates

 May 19, 2024

 Aug 25, 2024


Credits: Pinterest
Credits: Pinterest

Bachelorette parties are a time to celebrate the bride-to-be with laughter, fun, and bonding moments among friends. One delightful way to entertain everyone and create hilarious memories is by playing "Wedding Mad Libs." This game combines creativity with humor, resulting in funny and sometimes downright silly stories that will have everyone in stitches. It’s a perfect addition to your bachelorette party activities, ensuring a night full of joy and amusement.

How to Play Wedding Mad Libs

Materials Needed

  • Pre-written Mad Libs templates (wedding-themed)
  • Pens or pencils for each guest
  • Copies of the Mad Libs for each guest
  • A timer (optional)
  • Prizes for the best Mad Libs stories (optional)


  1. Prepare the Templates: Create or find wedding-themed Mad Libs templates. Each template should have blanks for various parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) to be filled in.
  2. Distribute Materials: Give each guest a copy of a Mad Libs template and a pen.
  3. Explain the Rules: Explain that guests will fill in the blanks with the requested parts of speech without knowing the full story. Once all blanks are filled, they will read their stories aloud.
  4. Fill in the Blanks: Either set a timer for a few minutes to fill in the blanks or let guests take their time.
  5. Read Aloud: Once everyone has completed their Mad Libs, take turns reading the stories aloud for maximum laughter.
  6. Award Prizes: If desired, award prizes for the funniest, most creative, or most outrageous stories.

Sample Wedding Mad Libs Templates

Template 1: The Proposal

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Place:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Noun:
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:
  • Adverb:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:


One day, the (adjective) (noun) (verb, past tense) to the (adjective) (noun) in (place). They were (verb ending in -ing) a (noun) when suddenly, (plural noun) (verb, past tense) from the (noun)! It was the most (adjective) moment. (adverb), the (noun) (verb, past tense) and it was all so (adjective)!

Template 2: Wedding Day

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Plural noun:
  • Noun:
  • Adverb:
  • Adjective:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Noun:


The wedding day was finally here, and it was a (adjective) day. The (noun) was decorated with (plural noun), and everyone was (verb ending in -ing) with excitement. The bride carried a beautiful (noun) as she (verb, past tense) down the aisle. The groom looked (adjective) as he stood with his (plural noun). During the ceremony, a (noun) appeared out of nowhere and (adverb) made everyone laugh. It was a (adjective) moment that (verb, past tense) the day unforgettable. Later, at the reception, the couple (verb, past tense) the night away, and everyone agreed it was the most (adjective) wedding they'd ever attended. The (noun) was a success!

Template 3: Bachelorette Party

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb:
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:
  • Verb:
  • Plural noun:
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:


The bachelorette party was off to a (adjective) start. We began the night with a (noun) and quickly (verb, past tense) into a (adjective) celebration. There were (plural noun) everywhere, and we decided to (verb) to the nearest (noun). The (adjective) night was filled with laughter, (plural noun), and lots of dancing. At one point, we (verb, past tense) so hard that the (noun) almost fell over! It was a (adjective) night, and we all agreed we should (verb) more often. By the end, we had collected so many (plural noun) and memories. It was truly a night to remember, and the (noun) was over the moon with joy. The whole night was (adjective)!

Template 4: The Honeymoon

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Place:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Noun:
  • Adjective:
  • Verb:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adverb:
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):


For their honeymoon, the couple decided to go to a (adjective) place called (place). They packed their (noun) and (verb, past tense) off on their adventure. The weather was (adjective), perfect for exploring the local (noun). They spent their days (verb ending in -ing) and enjoying the (noun), which was absolutely (adjective). One day, they decided to (verb) a (noun) and (verb, past tense) all around the area. They did everything (adverb) and made sure their trip was filled with (adjective) moments. On their last day, they found a hidden (noun) that made their trip even more special. It was a honeymoon they had always dreamed of, and they (verb, past tense) every moment.

Template 5: Wedding Vows

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adverb:
  • Adjective:
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Noun:
  • Verb:
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:


On their wedding day, the bride and groom exchanged (adjective) vows. The bride started with, "I promise to love you more than (noun) and enjoy every moment of (verb ending in -ing) together. From the first time we met at the (noun), I knew you were the one. You (verb, past tense) my heart and made me feel so (adjective). I vow to support you through every (noun) and stand by you as we (verb, past tense) through life together. I will love you (adverb) and cherish our (adjective) times together."

The groom then said, "I promise to fill your life with (plural noun) and never stop (verb ending in -ing) you. From our first (noun), I knew we were meant to (verb) forever. You are my (adjective) partner, my best friend, and my (noun). I vow to be with you through thick and thin, in joy and in sorrow, forever and always."

Template 6: Bridal Shower

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate parts of speech.

  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb (ending in -ing):
  • Plural noun:
  • Verb (past tense):
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Verb:
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:
  • Adverb:
  • Adjective:
  • Noun:


The bridal shower was a (adjective) event held at a lovely (noun). Guests (verb, past tense) into the room, each bringing a (adjective) gift. The decorations included a beautiful (noun) and everyone enjoyed (verb ending in -ing) around the room. There were (plural noun) filled with goodies, and the bride-to-be (verb, past tense) with joy. The games were (adjective) and had everyone laughing. One game involved passing around a (noun), while another had guests (verb) silly stories. The bride felt so (adjective) surrounded by her loved ones and their thoughtful (noun). She (adverb) thanked everyone for their (adjective) gifts and heartfelt wishes. The whole (noun) was a huge success!

Wedding Mad Libs is an easy-to-organize and wildly entertaining game that brings out the creativity and humor in everyone. With these diverse templates, you’ll have plenty of options to keep your guests engaged and laughing throughout the bachelorette party. Simply fill in the blanks, read the stories aloud, and enjoy the unexpected and hilarious results. So, grab your pens and let the fun begin with Wedding Mad Libs!

Party Games

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