
Memory Lane Trivia: Heartfelt Coworker Farewell Party Game + 100 Free Questions

 May 27, 2024

 Aug 26, 2024


Credits: Freepik
Credits: Freepik

A coworker farewell party is a perfect time to reflect on the good times shared in the office. One of the best ways to do this is by playing "Memory Lane Trivia." This game not only brings back fond memories but also highlights the unique experiences and contributions of the departing coworker. Here’s a detailed guide on how to play Memory Lane Trivia, along with 100 fun and interesting trivia questions grouped by sections.

Memory Lane Trivia is a touching and enjoyable game that allows colleagues to reminisce about their time together. This trivia game is designed to test everyone's memory and knowledge about the departing coworker and shared office experiences. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate your coworker’s journey and bid them a heartfelt farewell.

How to Play Memory Lane Trivia

Materials Required

  • Trivia question cards or a digital quiz platform
  • Pens and paper for answers (if using physical cards)
  • Small prizes for winners


  1. Collect Memories: Gather trivia questions based on the departing coworker’s time at the company, including funny moments, achievements, and daily habits.
  2. Divide into Teams: Split the participants into teams to encourage collaboration and discussion.
  3. Prepare Questions: Organize the questions into different categories for a structured game.
  4. Host the Quiz: Have a designated quiz master read out the questions and keep track of the scores.
Credits: Pinterest
Credits: Pinterest

Questions Ideas for Memory Lane Trivia

Career Highlights

  1. What was the first project they worked on at the company?
  2. What is their proudest achievement at work?
  3. How many promotions have they received?
  4. What was their most significant contribution to the team?
  5. Who was their first manager?

Daily Habits and Routines

  1. What time do they usually arrive at the office?
  2. What’s their favorite coffee order?
  3. What is their go-to lunch spot?
  4. What’s one task they do without fail every day?
  5. What’s their favorite office snack?

Fun and Quirky Moments

  1. What’s the funniest prank they’ve been involved in?
  2. Which costume did they wear for last year’s Halloween party?
  3. What’s a memorable quote they are known for?
  4. What’s their favorite office joke?
  5. What was the theme of their last office presentation?

Office Relationships

  1. Who is their office best friend?
  2. What’s their favorite team-building activity?
  3. Which department do they collaborate with the most?
  4. Who do they often have lunch with?
  5. Who was their mentor in the company?

Personal Preferences

  1. What’s their favorite music to play at work?
  2. What’s their favorite book on the office bookshelf?
  3. Which TV show do they always recommend?
  4. What’s their preferred mode of transportation to work?
  5. What’s their hobby outside of work?

Travel and Events

  1. Where was their first business trip?
  2. Which company event did they enjoy the most?
  3. What was their role in organizing the last holiday party?
  4. What’s the furthest they’ve traveled for work?
  5. What’s a memorable conference they attended?

Milestones and Celebrations

  1. When is their work anniversary?
  2. What was the theme of their last birthday celebration at work?
  3. How did they celebrate their last promotion?
  4. What’s a memorable achievement they celebrated with the team?
  5. What’s their favorite work celebration tradition?

Skills and Expertise

  1. What’s their unique skill that everyone admires?
  2. Which software are they the go-to person for?
  3. What training did they recently complete?
  4. What’s their favorite work-related app?
  5. What’s a workshop they’ve conducted for the team?

Office Decor and Style

  1. What’s their desk decoration theme?
  2. Which plant do they have on their desk?
  3. What’s their favorite office supply?
  4. What’s the most unusual item on their desk?
  5. How do they personalize their workspace?

Leadership and Mentoring

  1. How many mentees have they had?
  2. What’s a piece of advice they often give?
  3. What’s their leadership style?
  4. Which project under their leadership was the most successful?
  5. What’s a book on leadership they recommend?

Special Projects

  1. What’s the biggest project they’ve managed?
  2. Who was their key collaborator on a major project?
  3. What’s a memorable challenge they overcame in a project?
  4. What’s a project they always talk about?
  5. What’s the latest project they were excited about?

Office Culture and Community

  1. What’s their favorite office tradition?
  2. How do they contribute to the office culture?
  3. What’s a community service event they’ve participated in?
  4. What’s their role in the company’s social committee?
  5. What’s an initiative they’ve started at work?

Technology and Tools

  1. What’s their favorite gadget for work?
  2. Which software do they always recommend?
  3. What’s a tech tip they’ve shared with the team?
  4. What’s the most innovative tool they use?
  5. What’s a new technology they introduced to the office?

Achievements and Awards

  1. What was their first award at the company?
  2. What’s a recent accolade they’ve received?
  3. How many times have they been Employee of the Month?
  4. What’s a memorable recognition they’ve received from a colleague?
  5. What’s an award they aspire to win?

Personal Stories

  1. What’s a funny story they often share?
  2. What’s a memorable vacation they talked about?
  3. What’s their favorite office anecdote?
  4. What’s a hobby they’ve shared with colleagues?
  5. What’s an interesting fact about their background?

Goals and Aspirations

  1. What’s a professional goal they’ve achieved?
  2. What’s a career aspiration they’ve shared?
  3. What’s a personal milestone they’re proud of?
  4. What’s a skill they’re currently developing?
  5. What’s a future goal they’ve talked about?

Challenges and Resilience

  1. What’s a major challenge they’ve overcome?
  2. What’s a piece of advice they give for tough times?
  3. What’s a project that tested their resilience?
  4. How do they handle stress at work?
  5. What’s a difficult situation they navigated successfully?

Inspirations and Motivations

  1. Who’s their role model in the industry?
  2. What’s a quote that inspires them?
  3. What’s a book that motivates them?
  4. What’s a favorite motivational video they watch?
  5. What’s an inspiring story they’ve shared?

Team Contributions

  1. How do they support their team during busy times?
  2. What’s a unique way they contribute to team meetings?
  3. What’s a project where their teamwork shone through?
  4. What’s a strategy they use to foster team spirit?
  5. How do they celebrate team successes?

Legacy and Impact

  1. What’s the lasting impact they’ve had on the company?
  2. What’s a policy or practice they’ve influenced?
  3. How have they made a difference in their team’s work life?
  4. What’s a tradition they’ve started that will continue?
  5. What’s a memorable project they’ll be remembered for?

Memory Lane Trivia is a heartwarming and entertaining way to celebrate a departing coworker, highlighting their contributions and the special moments shared. By engaging in this trivia game, colleagues can reminisce, laugh, and appreciate the impact the departing coworker has had on the team. It’s a beautiful way to send them off with fond memories and well-wishes for their next adventure.

With these diverse and thoughtful questions, Memory Lane Trivia will not only provide a fun challenge but also a touching tribute to the time spent together. So gather your colleagues, get your trivia questions ready, and take a trip down memory lane to give your coworker a farewell they’ll cherish forever.

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