
Desk Chair Relay Race: Hilarious & Energetic Office Party Game + 100 Free Challenge Twists

 Jun 12, 2024

 Aug 26, 2024


Credits: Freepik
Credits: Freepik

Looking to inject some laughter and friendly competition into your coworker’s farewell or an office party? Look no further than the Desk Chair Relay Race! This high-energy game transforms the office space into a makeshift racetrack, where participants zip around in their desk chairs, completing challenges and cheering on their teammates. Here’s a detailed guide on how to organize and play the Desk Chair Relay Race, along with 100 fun and creative challenges grouped by sections.

The Desk Chair Relay Race offers a unique twist on traditional relay races, combining teamwork, speed, and a dash of office humor. Participants take turns navigating through obstacles, performing tasks, and racing against the clock—all while seated in their trusty desk chairs. It’s a surefire way to create unforgettable memories and bid farewell to a coworker in style.

How to Play Desk Chair Relay Race

Materials Required

  • Desk chairs (one per participant or team)
  • Obstacle course materials (cones, tape, etc.)
  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Challenges or tasks for participants
  • Prizes for the winning team(s)


  1. Set Up the Course: Designate a clear path for the relay race, weaving through cubicles, around desks, and past other office obstacles.
  2. Arrange the Challenges: Place challenge stations along the course, where participants must complete tasks before moving on.
  3. Divide Participants: Divide participants into teams of equal size, ensuring each team has a designated starting point and clear instructions.
  4. Explain the Rules: Brief participants on the rules of the relay race, including how to navigate the course, complete challenges, and pass the baton (or chair) to the next teammate.
  5. Play the Game: Start the timer and let the relay race begin! Teams race against each other to complete the course and challenges in the fastest time possible.
Credits: Pixabay
Credits: Pixabay

Challenges for Desk Chair Relay Race

Obstacle Course Challenges

  1. Weave through a maze of desks.
  2. Spin around in your chair three times.
  3. Push a coworker in a rolling office chair.
  4. Limbo under a makeshift bar.
  5. Balance a cup of water on your head.

Desk Chair Acrobatics

  1. Stand up and balance on your chair.
  2. Do a 360-degree spin in your chair.
  3. High-five a teammate while rolling past.
  4. Throw a small ball into a trash can while seated.
  5. Pass a clipboard to your teammate without stopping.

Teamwork Tasks

  1. Complete a puzzle with your teammates.
  2. Carry a stack of papers to the next station.
  3. Build a tower using office supplies.
  4. Play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with a teammate.
  5. Share a secret handshake with your teammate.

Speed Challenges

  1. Race to the water cooler and back.
  2. Run to the break room and grab a snack.
  3. Retrieve a specific item from a coworker’s desk.
  4. Roll a pencil across a desk and catch it on the other side.
  5. Speed-read a document and summarize it for your teammate.

Brain Teasers

  1. Solve a riddle before moving to the next station.
  2. Name three items that can be found in the supply closet.
  3. Recite the company motto or mission statement.
  4. Spell out a word using office supplies.
  5. Answer a trivia question about the departing coworker.

Desk Chair Decorations

  1. Add streamers or ribbons to your chair.
  2. Wear a funny hat or costume while racing.
  3. Decorate your chair with sticky notes or stickers.
  4. Attach a small flag or banner to the back of your chair.
  5. Wear sunglasses or funny glasses during the race.

Fitness Challenges

  1. Do ten jumping jacks before rolling to the next station.
  2. Hold a plank position for ten seconds while seated.
  3. Stretch your arms and legs before continuing the race.
  4. Stand up and touch your toes before sitting back down.
  5. Do a quick yoga pose while seated in your chair.

Creative Tasks

  1. Draw a doodle on a piece of paper before passing it to your teammate.
  2. Write a short poem or haiku about the office.
  3. Create a funny slogan or catchphrase for your team.
  4. Come up with a team cheer or chant before starting the race.
  5. Sing a verse from a popular song before rolling to the next station.

Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Compliment a coworker before continuing the race.
  2. Offer to help a teammate with their challenge.
  3. Hold the door open for a passing colleague.
  4. Give a high-five or fist bump to a teammate.
  5. Say “thank you” to the departing coworker before racing on.

Desk Chair Trivia

  1. Name three office locations in alphabetical order.
  2. Identify the names of three coworkers sitting nearby.
  3. Recall the color of the office walls or carpet.
  4. Name the company’s CEO and one fun fact about them.
  5. Describe a memorable office event or celebration.

Office Olympics

  1. Roll a ball across the floor and try to knock down cups.
  2. Hula hoop while seated in your chair.
  3. Balance a book on your head while racing.
  4. Throw a small object into a basket from a distance.
  5. Complete a short sprint before returning to your chair.

Imagination Station

  1. Pretend to be a superhero while racing.
  2. Act out a scene from a famous movie.
  3. Recite a famous quote or catchphrase from pop culture.
  4. Mime a common office task or activity.
  5. Do an impression of a coworker or boss.

Office Yoga

  1. Roll your chair backward and forward five times.
  2. Stretch your arms up to the ceiling while seated.
  3. Rotate your neck slowly from side to side.
  4. Take a deep breath in and out while rolling to the next station.
  5. Close your eyes and visualize success before continuing the race.

Healthy Habits

  1. Take a sip of water before moving on to the next challenge.
  2. Choose a healthy snack option at the break room station.
  3. Practice good posture while seated in your chair.
  4. Encourage a teammate to take a quick stretch break.
  5. Share a tip for staying active and healthy at work.

Funny Faces

  1. Make a silly face at the camera before rolling past.
  2. Stick out your tongue while passing a coworker.
  3. Cross your eyes and wiggle your ears for added laughs.
  4. Blow a kiss to a passing teammate.
  5. Give your best “blue steel” pose from Zoolander.

Desk Chair Dance Party

  1. Bust a move in your chair while rolling to the next station.
  2. Start a conga line with your teammates.
  3. Do the Macarena while seated in your chair.
  4. Choreograph a short dance routine with your team before racing.
  5. Perform a synchronized chair dance with your teammates.

Desk Chair Charades

  1. Act out a famous movie title while rolling past.
  2. Mime a common office task or activity for your teammates to guess.
  3. Pretend to be a famous celebrity or historical figure.
  4. Use gestures to convey a popular song or TV show.
  5. Mime an office-related scenario for your teammates to guess.

Desk Chair Karaoke

  1. Sing a verse from a favorite song while racing.
  2. Belt out the chorus of a popular tune as you roll past.
  3. Hum a catchy melody for your teammates to guess.
  4. Perform an air guitar solo while seated in your chair.
  5. Collaborate with your team to create a desk chair duet.

Desk Chair Comedy Club

  1. Tell a quick joke or pun as you race by.
  2. Share a funny anecdote about your time in the office.
  3. Recite a classic one-liner for your teammates’ amusement.
  4. Do your best impression of a coworker or boss.
  5. Engage in some playful banter with a passing teammate.

Desk Chair Expressions

  1. Strike a pose for a quick photo opportunity.
  2. Make a “thumbs up” gesture as you roll past.
  3. Flash a victory sign to your cheering teammates.
  4. Wave enthusiastically to a passing colleague.
  5. Give a big smile to the camera before crossing the finish line.

The Desk Chair Relay Race is guaranteed to bring laughter, camaraderie, and a healthy dose of competition to your coworker’s farewell or office party. With a variety of creative challenges and tasks, this game encourages teamwork, creativity, and plenty of office shenanigans. So, grab your desk chairs, rally your teammates, and get ready for a race unlike any other. Whether you’re spinning in circles, performing desk chair acrobatics, or showing off your best dance moves, this relay race is sure to leave everyone rolling with laughter!

Party Games

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